kerry bicycle festival 15th - 23rd September Wed, 28 Aug 2013 00:05:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 KBF selected as winning Irish action as part of EU Sustainable Urban Mobility Campaign! Fri, 19 Jul 2013 15:26:35 +0000 admin Continue reading ]]> We are delighted to hear the news that the Kerry Bicycle Festival has been chosen as the winning Irish action as part of the European Commission’s Sustainable Urban Mobility campaign!

In 2010 the KBF was chosen by the Department of Transport as a demonstration project as part of it’s sustainable transport initiative Smarter Travel, now it is great to see the festival been recognised at a European level.

You can keep up to date with all the Do The Right Mix actions throughout the EU on Facebook Twitter you can also find out more information on the Do The Right Mix initiative at and Mobility Week

The SUM campaign is linked to the European Mobility Week, which runs from 16 to 22 September every year and culminates in the ’In Town Without My Car!’ day. It is managed by the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport and funded through the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme – the EU’s support programme for non-technological actions in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.

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Announcing KBF 2013 Wed, 03 Apr 2013 14:45:36 +0000 admin Continue reading ]]> KBF 2013

We are delighted to announce that the 2013 Kerry Bicycle Festival will be take place on the week of the 16th to the 22nd of September.

This year the festival the will coincide with European Mobility Week, World Car-Free day and Culture night so get ready for a week long celebration of cycling culture.

So if you have any ideas for events at this years festival or wish to get involved please get in touch, shur all you need is a bike !

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Cycle Mapping Mon, 01 Oct 2012 21:56:53 +0000 admin mapping_1.s mapping_2.s mapping_3.s An  interesting discovery during the cycle mapping event, who knew there are  gothic  bike stand at the Back of St. Brendans church ! Start and stop, and barely enough room for a single bike ! ]]> 0 Big Cycle Video Thu, 27 Sep 2012 21:30:17 +0000 admin Continue reading ]]> Check out this video from the Big Cycle on Saturday, big thanks to thanks to Niall at Knobbly Productions
for capturing and sharing it.

If you have any video of photos from the event, we would love to check them out too.

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Bike romance on the radio… Thu, 13 Sep 2012 22:46:43 +0000 admin Continue reading ]]>

For those of you who missed out on Kathryn Thomas discovering how Helen & Niall met on a Kerry Bicycle Festival cycle and Maria talking about the Tour De Romance on RTE’s John Murray show you can listen back here:

The Tour de Romance – RTE radio 1 John Murray show

We just found this great picture of Niall fixing his bike on the night in question, was this the very moment that Helen noticed Niall ? It was taken out Ballyseede Castle the desert course, incidentally the photo was taken by Gerry, the friend Helen mentioned who she went on the cycle with !

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Chaingang Sportive Sun, 09 Sep 2012 12:12:15 +0000 admin Continue reading ]]> For any cyclist out there who fancy a bit more of a challenge local cycle club The Chain Gang hold their annual Sportives on Saturday the 15th [ the day the festival kicks off! ]

They have two spectacular routes on offer, Check out the Chain Gang Sportives website for more information.



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Bicycle Shorts Fenit Sat, 01 Sep 2012 23:36:00 +0000 admin Continue reading ]]>

Gearing up to the 2012 festival we present another screening of short films culled from the KBF archive, this time we are visiting Fenit. Do drop in if you are in the neighbourhood.

Venue The Beach Cafe, Fenit
Thursday 6th September 8pm

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KBF Cycle Shorts Submission Call 2012 Wed, 22 Aug 2012 23:51:02 +0000 admin Continue reading ]]> The Kerry Bicycle Festival, currently in its 5th year, seeks submissions
of both bike related short films and bike themed art works for this
years festival, which takes place from the 15th to the 23rd of September.
Last year, the Cycling Shorts screening was in the lovely surrounds of
Blennerville Windmill, and punters were treated to 14 short films from
all over the globe, all inspired by, and/or featuring bicycles.
We accept DVDs, and hi res quicktimes in any format. Deadline is the
7TH OF SEPTEMBER. We are open to approaching film makers that
have posted their work on Vimeo or Youtube (or anywhere else) so if
you have seen a worthy film online, by all means, send us on the link!

KBF_Cycling Shorts_Submission Call

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Kerry Bicycle Festival 2012 call for Short Films Wed, 22 Aug 2012 11:45:52 +0000 admin Continue reading ]]> KBF film night was in the lovely surrounds of Blennerville Windmill last
year, and punters were treated to 14 short films from all over the globe,
all inspired by, and/or featuring bicycles. We accept DVDs, and hi res
quicktimes in any format. Deadline is the 7th of September. We are open to
approaching film makers that have posted their work on Vimeo or Youtube (or
anywhere else) so if you have seen a worthy film online, by all means, send
us on the link!

For an over view of what we’ve done over the last few years, have a look at our online brochure, or at a short montage of the highlights here.

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Bicycle Shorts – Killarney Sat, 28 Jul 2012 09:29:41 +0000 admin Kerry Bicycle festival and Killarney Summerfest present a selection of short films inspired by or featuring bicycles.
Thursday 2nd August 8pm
Upstairs at Cortneys Bar, Killarney,

KBF Bicycle Shorts @ Killarney Sumerfest

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